


Paul Medley • Oxford • photography • design • music ••• info@paulmedley.co.uk • 07941606869

The following pages contain a selection of the photographic work that I have undertaken in recent years. Most of these have been exhibited, some purchased and some published in the press.

Something I Care About This is a set of portraits in which each participant was asked to bring something of personal value, something that they would either metaphorically or in reality attempt to save from a burning house. The only rule was that there could only be one object and no pets or partners also, because my studio at the time was up a steep flight of stairs, no motorbikes or other large objects. Nevertheless we did manage a wheelbarrow and a hefty telescope and only one person deliberately broke the rule of one object.

The use of the valued object was an attempt to add information and depth to a photographic portrait which, by the nature of the medium itself can often seem either superficial or more a demonstration of the creativity of the photographer than the character of the participant.

Beneath the Waterline An extension of the process of portraiture by using dead or dying flowers and vegetables to arouse an emotion or a sense of situation. The resulting set of images when exhibited proved to be excellent examples of how the artist has no way of controlling the viewer's interpretation of an image. Where I have attempted to depict violence, isolation or uncertainty many people have seen the aesthetic of flowers.

The Road Home An imaginary journey from car park to road, track, footpath and finally lakeside in Finland in late June when even at midnight the half light of gloaming illuminates the road and the sky. The main roads in much of Finland rise and fall like straight ribbons through the landscape while the smaller tracks and side roads twist and turn through the forest and the fields with remarkable sensuous rhythms.

Arran A set of photographs taken during a six day walk following the coastal path around the island.

Grenoble campus (Regards Croisées) A day’s work in the campus at Grenoble University has grown into a joint project with Anne-Marie Louvet, a remarkable photographer from Grenoble. Anne-Marie came to Oxford and produced her own response to the private world of the Oxford colleges thus creating a wonderful contrast to these images of the campus which is open, public and entirely modern. Whereas Anne-Marie had great trouble working in the Oxford colleges I was left undisturbed to photograph as I wished.

Hidden Histories Using two actors this set of images taken on location at Sutton Courtney Abbey hints at the human dramas that may have played out in the Abbey over the centuries. Though the general history and usage of the abbey buildings is well documented there is, as so often, no knowledge of the lives of individual private people, the ones left out by the great sweeps of history.

Jazz musicians I have been photographing live music events for many years. Many of these images were published in the Oxford Times to accompany my own jazz reviews. Though I gave up this particular avenue a few years ago I still have a keen interest in photography of live events. Some of these photographs go back to the days of black and white photography when the restrictions entailed in using film made the process of capturing an image of a moving musician on an ill lit stage particularly challenging.






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